A day in the life of the queen... "And who knows but that you have come to a royal position for such a time as this?" Esther 4:14 The Bible (NIV)

Thursday, January 18, 2007

I Dream in Pink... Part deux.

Well the room is pink and I love it. Thank you to papaw for all the help, daddy couldn't have done it without you. Thanks uncle Jas for the lights- I know daddy's eyes aren't too good and he would have missed a lot of spots. Now if daddy would just get the rest of his stuff out of the closet I would be very happy. A girl needs her closet! I also got a new bed that I am not so sure about. Its just a mattress on the floor. Daddy says its going to be like camping, or like when he was in college and slept on the floor. He also says it will be safer since I roll around alot when I sleep. So good bye crib... Hello Big Girl sleeping.
An another note- this whole potty chair thing is working out really well. Except for one little misshap (sorry mommy), I am doing really well and kinda getting used to it. Watch out world here I come!
Oh and thanks for the comments, keep em coming.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are so blessed to have such a wonderful daddy and papaw who would take a day off work just to paint your room so that it will be special for you. I know that you will love it when Mommy and Daddy get it all fixed up. Give them a big kiss for all the things they do for you. I love you!