A day in the life of the queen... "And who knows but that you have come to a royal position for such a time as this?" Esther 4:14 The Bible (NIV)

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Time to relax

Well the Christmas holiday is over and I had so much fun. I got to play with all of my cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents and greatgrandparents. It was a great Christmas. I didn't get a puppy, but daddy says that someday I can have one. But Santa was great. I got all sorts of new toys and clothes. We had a fun time. I got to sing songs, read books, play games, and stay up past my bedtime. I also got a new aunt. Joe asked Mamen to marry him and she said yes.
All in all it was a fabulous time. Thank you Jesus for being born.

Friday, December 22, 2006

12 Days of Christmas according to Esther... sing with me!

On the 12th day of Christmas I truly hope to see:
12 Baby Eisteins
11 Books for reading
10 Shiny stickers
9 Brand new outfits
8 Aunts and uncles
7 Grand and Greatgrands (Grandparents and great-grandparents)
6 Hours worth of playing
5 Golden Rings (I might be young, but still love a little bling bling)
4 Cousins chasing
3 Months left till new baby
2 Pairs of shoes

Thursday, December 21, 2006

4 Days till Santa....

Ohhhhh weeeeeeeee, I can't believe it! Only four days till Christmas. I hope that dada gets me a puppy. I want a white lab that I can play with and teach it to duck hunt and play ball. I can't wait. Unfortunately, I think that mommy wants me to be potty trained before we have to train a puppy too. Dada says that Summit was a good dog, and he wants me to have one. So if i don't get a dog I hope that I get some books and a wagon. Maybe even the Curious George movie. I am looking forward to it.

Welcome to my life..

Well seeing as though I don't have a very big vocabulary, I have enlisted the help of mommy and dada to help me through these postings. To get started, I woke up this morning and after I had my breakfast mommy put me down for my nap. I wasn't very tired, but figured that I had seen Curious George enough over the past 24 hours that I could get away for a little while and collect my thoughts. The weather was cool outside, so the heater was coming on to keep my room a balmy 72 degrees. Man was I getting hot. So I figured it was my socks that were making my core body temp a little warmer than I would have liked. So I decided that I would let my feet breathe. It was nice for a little while, but still I was too warm. The next logical thing was my pants. That too helped, but didn't cure my heat. I called a couple times, but mommy was still on the phone, talking about Christmas and recipes and all sorts of other things. Then I determined that it was the diaper that was keeping me warm. So i took it off. What a relief! Finally I was comfortable, and getting settled for a nice long nap. All of a sudden I hear mommy walking down the hall, before I know it I was back in the diaper and a onesie. I can't work those snaps. Well anyway my nap was ruined and now I have to go with mom to get the tire fixed on the car. I hope she at least takes me somewhere good for lunch.